Well it's increasingly evident that to make a go in the photography one must make some decisions. What to specialize in (portraits, still, stock, lifestyle etc.) and who to appeal to/what is your client base?
I was "thumbing" through my pictures on my computer and was realizing that none of my photos have anything in common, I'm all over the place stylistically and I lack a specific "genre" that I operate in.
I believe this means that I need to focus more on the shoot and take the images I need to take by finding a common stylistic ground and making whatever I'm shooting my own.
How in the hell am I going to do that you ask? Well I'm not sure yet, but I swear I'll work on it.
In somewhat related news I was reading up on PhotoShelter and going through their School of Stock and reading their production values section which just made me realize how tired I am of taking pictures of my close group of friends. No offense to Vern, Blake, Trevor and my girlfriend but I'm very bored with all of you. I need fresh new faces but it seems that the way to do that is through models and I'm very unimpressed with Model Mayhem and I can't afford to pay talent for any of my non-commissioned work. So I suppose this is a call for new faces to anyone that reads this.
I'm ideally looking for:
--attractive males/females that aren't overly attractive.
(by this I mean you should not look like a super model, you should be good looking but approachable.)
--clean in appearance
(no tattoos that can't be covered easily, no facial piercings/extreme piercings)
--friendly, professional demeanor. I'm not looking for posers I'm looking for people who look natural
I'm very interested in shooting athletic types and musicians/bands.
I need to start shooting for me and stop shooting out of boredom, it's not that I don't come out with good photos it's just that I need to be taking the photos that will help me get to where I want professionally. It's all about a solid portfolio.