I shot:
Some executives for online start-up company Mpire

Shot local band Ken Parker

Shot local band Madrid live.

Also made a Christmas card for my sister and her husband with a photo I took of my nephew.

The other day Mr.Strobist David Hobby made a post that has been heavily discussed in photo forums and blog circles about the topic of working for free. You can read his article here. I figured I'd throw in my $0.02 on the subject and hopefully see what others may have to say via the comments section.
As a young photographer and relative n00b to the business side of photography I see a lot of opportunity to sell myself short and work for nothing and in exchange not get anywhere or be taken seriously. Don't fool yourself into thinking I charge a ridiculous fee for shooting either, I still feel that I work for cheaper than what I am worth but there is a tradeoff between getting work and having a few extra bucks to throw around and getting no work and having no money to show for it let alone any photos.
In this day and age there are more photographers than ever throwing their hats into the ring, digital photography has really bastardized photographic media in such a way that it makes the market more competitive than ever. It's hard to even score a gig off of craigslist, why? because theres at least 10 other guys that'll do it for 50% less than you will. Will their photos be any good? maybe, but probably not. I feel that anyone who takes themselves seriously and values their craft at all would not work for free and will stand by their fees and have the portfolio to support their argument. As a photographer that is what I strive for. I want my portfolio to speak for itself so all I have to do is shoot and watch the dollars roll in. The odds of me actually accomplishing this feat are stacked up against me though.
There is something to be said for working for charitable causes, in which case working free of charge is rather saintly. If there were a cause I was particularly interested in donating my time to I would be all over it. However I have sent out e-mails to numerous charities and NPO's and have received no form of correspondence which equates to disinterest on their behalf in my eyes. So does this mean working for free is harder to come by than working for next to nothing? You be the judge.