I shot Dressed To Kill last week:

And I shot At Night yesterday:

I'm supposed to shoot Ken Parker on the 25th, hopefully that pans out. I enjoy working with bands immensely because of how much I'm into music, it just feels like I'm contributing my part to the scene in a kind of round-about way.
All in all everything else in my life/career is going well. My new job is pretty sweet, I'm making good money and saving up for a Nikon D300. I have about $600 saved up which means I have $1000 to go. Not that much money when you take into consideration that I've saved that $600 in about a month.
Anywho, long story short I am enjoying photography more than ever and am stoked that I'm getting some new faces in my portfolio. Keep the offers coming.
images look good.
thanks for the feedback man.
of course
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